Archive for Noah
June 22, 2010 at 6:30 am · Filed under Noah, Oliver, Simon
(Sorry for the late posting of this very important news—everything goes on Facebook these days!)
We’re so happy to welcome Simon Lewis Cheng into our family! He was born on June 8, 2010, weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs, 7 oz.
Ten fingers, ten toes, and everything else appears to be in working order as well!

Noah and Ollie are doing great with their new baby brother, especially Ollie, who takes his new role of “big brother” very seriously.

We’re so thankful to God for blessing us with another amazing little person to take care of. Simon has already brought so much joy into our home!
January 24, 2010 at 6:44 pm · Filed under Noah, Oliver
So, I don’t really have a story here. I just think these are adorable. I love my little guys so much! Even when they’re upset, they are cute! hehehe.

This one of Ollie just sends me over the edge. He was so annoyed at me cause I kept taking so many pictures. But I got this awesome expression from him, which makes the crying afterwards TOTALLY worth it! haha. 😉 Sorry bud, but your Mom is crazy…and you are CUTE!
December 12, 2009 at 12:46 am · Filed under Noah, Oliver, Video
Just showing off Noah’s sweet Chinese skills. Thanks to his Amah & Yeh Yeh.
The other day, a stranger asked me if Noah knew any Chinese. I told him he could count to ten…then Noah proceeded to count to thirty! I must say I was a very proud, and shocked, mommy. And the man was very jealous that Noah had such awesome Grandparents that teach him so well.
June 11, 2009 at 12:33 am · Filed under Noah, Oliver
I know this is slightly late. heh. But here it is anyway…

I thought the Easter Bunny did a pretty awesome job this year. Actually…I didn’t even try to pretend. When Noah said “Thanks Mommy”, I just said “You’re welcome.” Honestly…the Easter bunny kinda creeps me out.
Noah got his first pair of ‘safety scissors’ and wow, was Ollie jealous. Told Ollie he’d get a pair next year and that didn’t go over so well. So, they get equal scissors time now, and to Ollie’s credit, he handles them QUITE well. I was impressed.
This was the ONE piece of candy in their Easter baskets. I know…I’m so cruel. Sorry….but most of that Easter chocolate is NOT fair trade, and since I am Miss ANTI-slavery, that’s just how it goes kids.
I, thankfully, did not have to hide eggs, since the kids were invited to a joint birthday party the day before Easter for their friends Meadow & Max. They both have extremely talented moms. Here’s just a sample of the decor…
Noah, sadly, now POSES for pictures. Ugh.
Waiting patiently…for ONCE!

March 8, 2009 at 9:33 pm · Filed under Grandma Cheng, Noah
Joe’s mom (the boys call her Amah) sent this story to us after they babysat the boys this week. I love it.
“While in Vancouver, I saw this cute pastry shaped like a banana, and it has big lettering: BANANA on it. I bought a box of two for Noah and Ollie.
To let Noah practice his alphabet, I said, "Noah, what does it say?"
Noah ran his pointer through the letters, and read without hesitation, "not a hot dog".
(Joe took this picture by the way. Pretty great, huh?)
February 20, 2009 at 12:19 am · Filed under Noah, Oliver
I never thought I would say it, but we had a GREAT day at the dentist today. I’m not sure what our dentist has pumping through the air ducts, but WOW, the kids’ LOVED every minute. So, here are some pictures. (the pictures were taken on my phone…just had to add that)
Noah was first up and did very well. Ollie watched the whole time and was eager for his turn.

Ollie was so great! He did everything they told him to do.
How cute is this!!!! Dr. Thomas actually told Noah to stay on the chair and Ollie could put his legs over him. I’m thinking…haha, yeah right, that’s gonna work, but it TOTALLY DID. This is what I mean…something crazy is pumping through the air there. You HAVE to go to this dentist, he is MAGIC!!!
Then if that wasn’t enough, they were SOOOO excited to get their toothbrushes, they couldn’t even wait until we got home to open them and start BRUSHING!
This cracked me up. Noah had such a tight grip on, yes, dental floss & toothbrushes. And he’s so serious! haha. I was totally laughing at him. In his mind he’s saying “Mommy, proper oral hygiene is no laughing matter.”
Then we had lunch with Daddy and they got to spend the night at Amah & Yeh Yeh’s (Joe’s parents). All in all, a pretty great day for everyone. Who knew?
February 14, 2009 at 5:16 pm · Filed under Amy, Noah, Oliver

December 31, 2008 at 12:16 pm · Filed under Noah
"OK! I did wash the fire in the toilet with wee wee!"
December 25, 2008 at 3:30 am · Filed under Amy, Joe, Noah, Oliver
On the way to Christmas in Phoenix, we spent a few days in San Diego for a little pre-vacation, just the four of us. On the first two days we hit SeaWorld and Legoland, and on the third day we just puttered around looking for good places to take pictures.
In Coronado, we hit the jackpot. Deserted beach, photography gold.

November 21, 2008 at 11:03 am · Filed under Joe, Noah, Video
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