I know this is slightly late. heh. But here it is anyway…
I thought the Easter Bunny did a pretty awesome job this year. Actually…I didn’t even try to pretend. When Noah said “Thanks Mommy”, I just said “You’re welcome.” Honestly…the Easter bunny kinda creeps me out.
Noah got his first pair of ‘safety scissors’ and wow, was Ollie jealous. Told Ollie he’d get a pair next year and that didn’t go over so well. So, they get equal scissors time now, and to Ollie’s credit, he handles them QUITE well. I was impressed.
This was the ONE piece of candy in their Easter baskets. I know…I’m so cruel. Sorry….but most of that Easter chocolate is NOT fair trade, and since I am Miss ANTI-slavery, that’s just how it goes kids.
I, thankfully, did not have to hide eggs, since the kids were invited to a joint birthday party the day before Easter for their friends Meadow & Max. They both have extremely talented moms. Here’s just a sample of the decor…
Noah, sadly, now POSES for pictures. Ugh.
Waiting patiently…for ONCE!