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Noah the Pirate


Here’s Noah at a pirate-themed birthday party we went to this weekend.


I took this video sometime last year but forgot to ever post it.

Ollie is two!

Well…our baby is 2. We did not have a party this year (if you can believe that….yes, I have restraint). But I did make a cake and we had a very small celebration with Ollie’s friends, Rusty & Max.




Ollie loves frogs and turtles, so he got a frog cake and I splurged on the huge mylar turtle balloon. He loved it, but not as much as the goldfish, which was his ‘big’ gift.

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We asked the boys what they wanted to name mr. fish. First, Noah suggested “Bakkak” (i have no explanation for that), next was “Trainsian”…interesting, then Noah adamantly suggested Nemo. Well…he actually ‘told’ us his name was Nemo. We argued and said he doesn’t even look like Nemo…well, Noah won. So, our fish has the incredibly ‘unique’ name of Nemo. Lovely. 🙂





Other blog

So, we have decided to keep this blog 95% pictures. If you would like to know more details about the day to day life of Noah and Ollie, check out Amy’s blog at

Tulips and Little Green Munchkins


Noah was very concerned that Ollie was going to fall in the mud puddle.


He’s so happy that he “rescued”  him. hehe. What a good big brother.




Ollie is such a little comedian. I think he’s performing for us.






(Btw, thanks for the great raincoats, Sabby. They still fit! )








I (Joe) literally asked, “How hard could it be?” Yeah, turns out it’s pretty hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. Luckily Amy’s mom was on hand for the save before I did too much damage.



Feb 2

Some pictures from a birthday party in the neighborhood.





Here are some random pictures from a trip to Portland in January.



Casey (Amy’s cousin) and Anne (Amy’s grandmother)

Uncle Casey’s bar

Noah’s 3rd Birthday

OK, this is embarrassing—more than three months late with these pictures. Sorry!

Noah’s birthday was great. Noah loved his rocket cake, and all of the kids had a great time playing in the rocket Amy made (from the box for a new filing cabinet we happened to have delivered a couple of weeks earlier).





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