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Little Chef

Ollie is so helpful in the kitchen…

Although…I suppose a bit wasteful. It’s okay, his cuteness makes up for it. heh.


Just showing off Noah’s sweet Chinese skills. Thanks to his Amah & Yeh Yeh.


The other day, a stranger asked me if Noah knew any Chinese. I told him he could count to ten…then Noah proceeded to count to thirty! I must say I was a very proud, and shocked, mommy. And the man was very jealous that Noah had such awesome Grandparents that teach him so well.

Popsicle plea

Ollie is CRAZY about Otter Pops. He wants them ALL the time. I recorded this cause I just LOVE the way he says popsicle. hehehe.


In case you are wondering….he eventually won. I know, I know…but look how cute he is when he EATS the popsicle. 🙂

Sleeping habits

Noah Singing


I took this video sometime last year but forgot to ever post it.

Ollie's first steps

Taken on September 15, 2007. Look at him go!

(In case you were wondering, the clanging sound is Noah playing the cymbals in the background.)

Jump, monkey, jump!

This is Noah’s favorite game.

One… two… three… four… five… THIRTEEN!!!

Go! Go! Go!