Archive for Grandma Cheng
March 8, 2009 at 9:33 pm · Filed under Grandma Cheng, Noah
Joe’s mom (the boys call her Amah) sent this story to us after they babysat the boys this week. I love it.
“While in Vancouver, I saw this cute pastry shaped like a banana, and it has big lettering: BANANA on it. I bought a box of two for Noah and Ollie.
To let Noah practice his alphabet, I said, "Noah, what does it say?"
Noah ran his pointer through the letters, and read without hesitation, "not a hot dog".
(Joe took this picture by the way. Pretty great, huh?)
August 17, 2007 at 12:11 am · Filed under Birthday, Grandma Cheng, Noah, Oliver
Ollie had a blast at his birthday party! His favorite parts were playing with balloons, eating Cocoa Puffs off of his cupcake, and hearing everyone sing happy birthday to him.
(By the way, there were lots of other kids there. We’re generally careful not to post pictures of other people’s children, out of respect for their privacy.)
August 1, 2007 at 2:18 am · Filed under Amy, Grandma Cheng, Grandpa Cheng, Joe, Jon, Noah, Oliver, Relatives, Wedding
We finally took our first trip into British Columbia, and luckily it was for a wonderful occasion–my cousin Aisha’s wedding. A lot of Cheng family members were able to make it, so it was basically a mini family reunion for us as well.
Aisha and Scott.
Apparently Noah found his train more interesting than the lifelong commitment Aisha and Scott were making to each other.
This was the closest we could get to a family photo.
Brothers. From left: Wei-Chih (9), Carl (5), Wei-Tih (4, my dad), Smiley (3, father of the bride).
The cousins and their ladies. From left: Dagmar (1.1+), Mike (1.1), Joe (4.2), Amy (4.2+), Jon (4.1), Aarti, Adam (3.1), Natalie.
Me and Jon. (The downside of the beautiful sunny weather was massively overexposed backgrounds all day.)
Ollie and Mike.
Jon and Ollie.
Amy took this one. They line up for a picture… so she goes behind them. I love that.
My mom and Ollie.
Noah was a ridiculous dancing machine during the reception. We had to forcibly remove him, kicking and screaming, from the dance floor at 11PM.
January 7, 2007 at 3:49 pm · Filed under Amy, Grandma Cheng, Noah, Oliver
Between Christmas and New Years, we took a trip to SF for a family friend’s wedding.
Ollie was unconscious for most of the reception.
We spent New Years’ Eve strolling around the city with our friend Sabrina, whom Noah got along great with.
December 24, 2006 at 12:43 am · Filed under Amy, Grandma Cheng, Grandpa Cheng, Joe, Noah
Here we are huddled together for warmth during the multi-day blackout last week. (The dark blur next to Amy’s head is Noah.)
October 3, 2006 at 5:11 pm · Filed under Grandma Cheng, Noah
September 13, 2006 at 10:42 pm · Filed under Grandma Cheng, Noah
Joe’s mom taught Noah to do this at the part that goes “Goodnight to the old lady whispering ‘hush’…”