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Day at the Dentist

I never thought I would say it, but we had a GREAT day at the dentist today. I’m not sure what our dentist has pumping through the air ducts, but WOW, the kids’ LOVED every minute. So, here are some pictures. (the pictures were taken on my phone…just had to add that)

Noah was first up and did very well. Ollie watched the whole time and was eager for his turn.


Ollie was so great! He did everything they told him to do.

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How cute is this!!!! Dr. Thomas actually told Noah to stay on the chair and Ollie could put his legs over him. I’m thinking…haha, yeah right, that’s gonna work, but it TOTALLY DID. This is what I mean…something crazy is pumping through the air there. You HAVE to go to this dentist, he is MAGIC!!!



Then if that wasn’t enough, they were SOOOO excited to get their toothbrushes, they couldn’t even wait until we got home to open them and start BRUSHING!

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This cracked me up. Noah had such a tight grip on, yes, dental floss & toothbrushes. And he’s so serious! haha. I was totally laughing at him. In his mind he’s saying “Mommy, proper oral hygiene is no laughing matter.”


Then we had lunch with Daddy and they got to spend the night at Amah & Yeh Yeh’s (Joe’s parents). All in all, a pretty great day for everyone. Who knew?

A Day at the Park








Noah announces…

"OK! I did wash the fire in the toilet with wee wee!"

Beach Day

On the way to Christmas in Phoenix, we spent a few days in San Diego for a little pre-vacation, just the four of us. On the first two days we hit SeaWorld and Legoland, and on the third day we just puttered around looking for good places to take pictures.

In Coronado, we hit the jackpot. Deserted beach, photography gold.









Ollie Says

“I doggie! FOO FOO!”

Sleeping habits

We only speak integers here

Joe: "How many apple slices do you have left?"
Noah: "One, two."
Joe: "…and a half."
Noah: "Two."
Joe: "Two and a half."
Noah: "That’s not a number!"
Joe: "Yes, two and a half is a number."
Noah: "No, it’s a Spanish number."

A Dinosaur and Spiderman

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Ollie got to wear the dinosaur costume that Noah wore 2 years ago. Check it out. When Noah was his age he was actually scared to wear it. Ollie didn’t want to take it off! I think he may have worn it for 3 days straight. He loved running around the house yelling “Raaaawr!” I finally had to hide it.



My friend, Heather, had a Halloween party. This is probably the only time you will ever see Joe in a costume. If you can’t guess…he is Remy and I am Colette from Ratatouille. Ollie cracks me up in these pictures.


Heather and I share the same love/hate for Martha Stewart. We found all this awesome Halloween stuff in the October issue and it was all over. Had to be done. Heather made that house and actually poured windows using melted sugar. Isn’t it cool how the light passes through. Cool….but crazy! Darn you, Martha!


I had an Azalea bush that died on me. (no surprise) So, I spray painted it and we hung the favors off of it. We also made ghosts from fondant, marshmallow bones, and skeleton cookies. All Martha creations. She really makes me crazy.



Halloween night we went to our church for a some candy, bouncy houses, airplane rides and all kinds of crazy activities. Lots of fun….but whoa, sensory overload! Good thing Amah and Yeh Yeh came with us.

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Ollie was a fan of the popcorn, face painting and balloon animals. Daddy was a good sport.

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Noah just liked to show off his Spiderman muscles. He’ll sing the theme song if you ask him. Although, instead of “spins a web, any size” he sings “spins a wrench, any size.” heh. (He’s also a fan of Handy Manny.)


Noah also enjoyed the balloons and face painting. I wasn’t with him when he got his face painted. But when he saw it in the mirror at home he instantly broke into tears. My perfectionist child was upset that the mouth wasn’t exactly how he envisioned it. I’m sure my Mom would laugh at this since she had to put up with much worse from me at that age. Sorry Mom. I understand now. 🙂 I guess I had it coming.

Noah Singing

Little Pumpkins


These little pumpkins had a blast at the pumpkin patch down the road from us. I was amazed it went so well and the big pumpkin (Joe) even wanted to come along. Joe took most of these pictures and I love so many of them that I can’t decide….so, here’s a lot…


They were so good at sharing that day. (Notice the Ethel gloves in the background. Perfect for pumpkin picking and sooo cute!)



Ollie kept falling down, and Noah helped him up every time.



The kids are cute and all…but LOOK at those gloves! haha. Just kidding (well..kind of). I’m just in love with Ethel gloves. I already thought they were great, then they donated gloves for our Golf Tournament gift bags. They have great design sense AND a heart for the world. Just awesome in every way.  


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Ollie sat on every pumpkin that was just the right size.


Then he decided to be creative and stack them. I love that he did this, and especially that he stood back and looked at what he had built.

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I love Noah’s expression here.


Ollie was not impressed with the tractor at first.



Then he got excited. (notice his crossed ankles…hehe)


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